Welcome to Monno Medical College and Hospital

  • Phone No.
  • 01755559191 & 01755559193(College)
    01745774617 & 01745774618 (Hospital)
  • Address
  • Monno City, Manikganj, Dhaka.

College Facilities

Monno Medical College very much aware to conform to its vision. To make it as the “First Choice” for the student in terms of study environment, we are always in spur of developing academic facilities through integration of advanced study materials and aids. Our academic facilities includes:

• Three Lecture Halls equipped with microphone system, OHP, Slide Projector and Whiteboard

• Six Tutorial Rooms- 1-2 rooms for one department

• Nine Laboratories- Histology-1, Phiology-1, Biochemistry-1, Phamacology-2, Pathology-2, Microbiology-2, provided with necessary equipment, microscope, histology slides, glass wares, reagents etc.

• One Dissection Hall- providing arrangements of dissection on four cadavers at a time. It also has space for demonstration of 75 students divided into three groups in four corners.

• Four Museums- Anatomy-1, Pathology-1, Community Medicine-1 and one for Forensic Medicine which contains a adequate number of specimen, charts and models.

• Medical Education Unit


A well designed and enriched library equipped with advanced study materials is secured for a comfortable and noise free study environment.  There are a plenty of books from different tastes along with medical science. Besides, the library keeps journals and periodicals and daily newspapers. Audio-visual, e-mail and internet facilities are available in the library. Students can avail a facility of photocopying.


Monno Medical College publishes a Journal entitled `Journalof Monno Medical College’ which is a peer reviewed biennial medical journal with different scientific research articles by the faculties of this medical college as well as the researchers of the different hospitals and Institutions. 


Training program for teachers are launched in this Medical education corner to develop teaching and research skills of the faculty members. Workshops, seminars on teaching and research methodology for the teachers usually take place here in the MEU.


The college is facilitated with a ten storied building with three spacious lifts having a total floor space of 1, 46,166 sq.ft. The area of college campus is more than 13 acres of land with a scenic beauty. A lake inside the campus has made it a visually lucrative place for all. Accommodation of the college includes:

• Two separate four storied teacher’s quarters

• A five storied Professor’s quarter

• Two different hostels with 316 Seats each for boys & girls

• A wide playground

• A two storied mosque 

• A two storied cafeteria

• A Doctors dormitory

• A staff quarters

• A rest 24 house rooms (Special for the parents/guardian of the foreign students


Monno Medical College and Hospital is a residential medical college. There are two separate hostels for the male and female students along with an individual hostel for Internee Doctors within the campus and very close to the college building. Individual blocks are allocated for foreign students. The hostels are decorated with luxurious furniture’s and modern commodities. Students are served hygienic and nutritious food according to their food habits. A continuous and uninterrupted supply of water and electricity is ensured by our individual power plant.   


A two storied cafeteria is ready to serve fresh and hygienic foods for the students, teachers, guests and VIPs. Thai, Chinese, Indian and Bangladeshi foods are available with a reasonable price. It is a very neat and clean place for enjoying food and the enjoyable scenery at the same time.


There is a trained, dedicated and professional security wing to ensure safety and security inside entire college premises. The security teams are managed and maintained by defense personnel. They are serving around the clock according to their duty roster.


Students are encouraged to participate in indoor and outdoor games, sports, debates, seminars, socio-cultural events and other extra-curricular activities in addition to their routine academic activities. The National days like World Language day (21 February), Victory day (16 December) and Independence Day (26 March) are observed by the students with the full supports of the Monno Medical College authority. There is also annual cultural week program with active participation of students, teachers and employees together.