Welcome to Monno Medical College and Hospital

  • Phone No.
  • 01755559191 & 01755559193(College)
    01745774617 & 01313355588 (Hospital)
  • Address
  • Monno City, Manikganj, Dhaka.

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal

It is my immense pleasure to inform that Monno Medical College has completed thirteen academic years successfully. Our aim is to create a group of ideal and skilled doctors who will serve the poor and distressed population. We are eagerly waiting to admit the students of the 14th batch for the session 2024-25.

The students are highly valued and the academic program is well organized here in this medical college in addition to the academic activities, faculty members are available to the students to assist, support, counsel and guide to solve their problems. Sincere efforts and modern teaching methods are used by the teachers for imparting lessons. Students are always encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, social and cultural events in this green campus. Monno Medical College has a well-stocked library and renowned faculty members from every department are constantly seeking newer methods of teaching and putting their best efforts to facilitate teaching learning processes. The Medical College Hospital is an advanced tertiary level hospital with provision of excellent quality of care to patients at an affordable cost. I am very happy to inform that our students’ results of professional examinations under Dhaka University and FMGA in India were excellent as always.

Our teachers and students are working very hard, so we are achieving good results. Monno Medical College has comfortable hostels for both boys & girls and has a Guardians’ Advisory Committee where the guardians or their representatives have the opportunity to exchange views with the management for overall improvement of the college. I am sure the students to be admitted in this medical college shall be able to fulfill their desire by their sincere efforts and the excellent inputs of the faculty of this medical college will definitely help students to be true doctors and contribute in serving humanity.

Prof. Dr. Md Abdul Karim
Monno Medical College