Welcome to Monno Medical College and Hospital

  • Phone No.
  • 01755559191 & 01755559193(College)
    01745774617 & 01313355588 (Hospital)
  • Address
  • Monno City, Manikganj, Dhaka.

A Proud Moment for Monno Medical College & Hospital!

In the Second Professional M.B.B.S. Examination of November 2024 (New Curriculum), our talented students showcased their excellence on a national stage, competing alongside Bangladesh’s top public medical colleges.

2nd Place: Salik Mujtaba Khan (Batch: Monno-11, Roll: 04).
5th Place: Mohammad Zumran Khan (Batch: Monno-11, Roll: 36).

Their success is a reflection of dedication, perseverance, and academic brilliance, nurtured in the enriching environment of Monno Medical College & Hospital. With expert faculty, modern learning facilities, and a commitment to quality education, we continue shaping future medical leaders.

Great minds shine when guided with the right mentorship and passion. The journey of excellence continues!