Welcome to Monno Medical College and Hospital

  • Phone No.
  • 01755559191 & 01755559193(College)
    01745774617 & 01313355588 (Hospital)
  • Address
  • Monno City, Manikganj, Dhaka.

General Information (Hospital)

General Information (Hospital)

Since 2008, we are helping the low-income group of people of the locality in receiving medical care through Monno General Hospital. On 2011 the Monno General Hospital was transformed into Monno Medical College after being approved by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The Monno Medical College is enriched with its all-modern teaching facilities and well designed and planned general hospital equipped with modern diagnostic laboratories and treatment facilities, that makes Monno Medical College an ideal academy to provide the medical learners need-based learning and generating self confidence in identifying and managing health problems with a humanly attitude.

Monno Medical College & Hospital (MoMC&H) is located at Monno city, Gilondo, Manikganj. The Hospital is existing in a natural beauty and serenity, it is functioning within a five storied building having 1, 58,00 sq. ft. floor space along with 500 beds (390 beds available at present). There are 39 free beds and bed occupancy is 79 percent when it is maximum.

The Hospital is providing both general and specialized services including,

  • Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 
  • M-Scanu (Mothre Scanu)
  • Kangaroo Mothre Care (KMC)
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

The Hospital delivers the laboratory facilities and the vaccination facilities to the people. It caters the demand in the Health Services of the people of greater manikganj and its surrounding districts and is providing world-class treatment.


Name of the Hospital : Monno Medical College Hospital
Place & Present address : Monno City, Gilondo, Manikganj, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone No : 01745774617, 01313355588
E-mail : info@monnomch.edu.bd
Web : www.monnomch.edu.bd
Established : 2008 (as Monno General Hospital)
2011 (as Monno Medical College Hospital)
No of Approved Bed : 500
Hospital Accommodation (Space) : 1,58,00 Sq. ft. 

Emergency & Casualty:
Emergency Facilities: 24 hours’ emergency treatment facilities available here.
                                         Contact: 01745774617, 01313355588